The most common form of hair loss in men and women is androgenic alopecia (also known as androgenetic alopecia). In men, this condition is called male pattern baldness because there is a well-defined pattern of hair loss - back in time to the formation of hair "M"-shape. Hair back not only, but also becomes more subtle, often progresses to total baldness.
As the recent study found, male pattern baldness is caused mainly by increasing the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT.) is not yet fully understand how DHT affects the scalp, but it is known that if a person is genetically prone to baldness, DHT may initiate the process called follicular miniaturization. This process can start as soon as the end of puberty. Follicular miniaturization leads the hair growing thinner and thinner until it is completely lost.
As you can prevent and reverse hair loss?
The good news is that you can prevent and reverse baldness. Since it is mainly caused by excessive amounts of DHT, the obvious solution is to reduce levels of DHT. This can be done using synthetic drugs or chemical physics.
With regard to drugs (such as Rogaine or Propecia), its efficacy is not universally accepted. And 'even synthetic chemicals, which have many side effects including gynecomastia (breast growth in men), erectile dysfunction, chest pain, blurred vision, etc.
There are alternatives to chemical drugs?
Natural hair loss treatments are an obvious alternative to drugs. Its main advantage is that it does not have side effects. Secondly, the stories of Saw Palmetto, as the treatments have been used by man since ancient times. No one would have if it had not been used efficiently? In general, we recommend natural remedies for hair loss is natural as the most effective solution for problems of hair loss